Ihre Lagerfläche bestellen
Welche größe brauchen Sie ?
alle Kosten im Preis entahlten
ca 4m²
Box max. 6 Tage
Bewahren Sie Büroaktenkästen, Stühle, Kommodenschubladen, Kleiderkisten, hohe Möbel wie Stehlampen usw. auf.
€4,45pro Tag
select a box5 x 5
Store office file boxes, chairs, dresser drawers, boxes of clothes, tall furnishings such as floor lamps, etc.
$35/ mo
select a box5 x 10
Store a couple of pieces of large furniture, up to 15 boxes, lawn mower, bicycle or motorcycle.
$35/ mo
select a box9 x 25
Store a couple of pieces of large furniture, up to 15 boxes, lawn mower, bicycle or motorcycle.
$35/ mo
select a box12 x 20
Store office file boxes, chairs, dresser drawers, boxes of clothes, tall furnishings such as floor lamps, etc.
$35/ mo
select a box12 x 30
Store office file boxes, chairs, dresser drawers, boxes of clothes, tall furnishings such as floor lamps, etc.
$35/ mo
select a box